Make Munich, Maker Fair 2019


‘LesFleursDuMal’ is a series of digital electronic sculptures, which listen to the planet and transform real-time datas about air pollution, aircraft take-off, plastic waste in the oceans and so on. The project was exhibited during the Make Munich Southern Germany’s largest maker fair and “Do It Yourself” festival.

At the two-day event, the innovation, environment  and technology-conscious makers present their culture and technologies on exhibition stands, lectures and hands-on workshops. The motto for 2019 is “Making Connections”. Make Munich is the exhibition for trends and innovations in the areas of high-tech DIY, 3D printing, robotics, hardware start-ups, wearables, and tech-culture. It is a forum of presentations, dialogue and exchange for Makers, hobbyists, electronic geeks and designers.

Concept: LesFleursDuMal are inspired by the shape of flowers and are a new way to raise awareness about environmental matters through an elegant and more artistic vision combined with electronics.

Materials: Concrete, steel, carbon, neoprene, bamboo, wood, plexiglass.

Technologies: Fans, motors, neopixel LED rings, electronic and wifi boards.

Team: Andreas Vogler, Matteo Mazzero, Claudia Epiney


Video on youtube: