Dear friends, colleagues, and clients,
We are delighted to say, that in September this year we successfully presented a full scale mock-up of a new design for a double decker train for Great Britain at InnoTrans 2016 in Berlin. Taking a radical approach to the capacity problem of British trains, we proved, that with our first train design, we keep on breaking barriers, not building new ones.
Further, we have also been working on other small projects like the conversion of an art deco apartment and competitions like the one for a roofing concept of the Verona amphitheatre, a philosophy park in Italy and a church in Breslau. Others are on the way.
What will be next? – The Future!
We will be open for it, not fearful.
AV also stands for the German Words “Aufklärung und Vernunft” (“Enlightenment and Reason”).
The dimension of these historical cultural values can’t be highlighted enough in the endarkening era of “Post-truth” and “truthiness”.
It is easy to loose cultural values, if they are not defended and continuously developed.
In this sense we wish you a happy and truthful New Year 2017.
Andreas Vogler Studio